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Magelang > Mie/Baso/Yamien > Bakso 88

christ bilang,
ada tempat namanya Bakso 88,
makanannya Halal.
Dikirim pada Rabu, 24 Januari 2007 13:01:51 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

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. mauu tanyaa siiapa yang tau managernyaa bakso 88 ?

. tolong kasih tau ..
renaldy gunawan, magelang Kamis, 20 September 2012 13:09:19

Well, opportunities due arise from prebmols. Entrepreneurs make money from providing solutions to prebmols, after all. I've been everywhere in Indonesia over the last 2 years (well, not everywhere yet). Cikarang, Bandung, Batam, Riau, Yogyakarta, East Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta. Trying to get a grasp of what this country is, what it needs and why I am here. All while doing some side jobs here and there.Currently, I've decided to stick around in Bekasi to set up a seafood restaurant while also waiting for some stuff in Singapore to be completed. But I intend to go back to Jakarta between mid to late next year once I can purchase an apartment. Have always preferred to live in city centers.Regarding what you and your foundation is doing, it is something I've entertained in mind before. I've concluded that what this country sorely needs is skilled labor and leaders. For that, social investment in education is needed and the government cannot be relied on to provide that. The current quality of our bureaucracy is abysmal (thank you, Soeharto). I've once visited a Dinas Perhubungan office in Cikarang to help an uncle obtain operational license for 2 buses. Only one guy in the office was seriously working, the rest was either playing some games, chatting, or reading newspapers. Then we found out that the guy we're looking for is outside, along with more than half of the Dinas' staff. And it certainly wasn't break time. It was then that it dawned on me that this is what my taxes is paying for. Look at what the Education Ministry has in mind for the new curriculum. Do they intend to keep Indonesians stupid or something? This at a time when this country have a deficit of engineers, entrepreneurs and scientists.The thing is that, I've come to believe that governments are inherently corrupt. And that the fastest way to cut down on corruption is to cut down on the size of government (literally). We need to reduce both the physical size and the responsibilities of government, preferably to the bare minimum necessitated by the Constitution. If we can just throw out 4/5 of all the bureaucrats, give a huge pay raise for the survivors and sieve out applicants on merit, we're gonna see an improvement in the quality of bureaucracy. For a country as large, diverse and de-centralized as Indonesia, the United States of the Gilded Age might provide a solution as to what kind of government can work, small government. They had almost 60 years of unprecedented boom, with few hiccups in between, that brought the country from an agrarian and mercantile nation into the largest industrialized country on Earth. As for lessons on transportation, city planning and building codes, a more advanced archipelago to the north, Japan, provides a useful lesson.Since 2010, we have entered a period of demographic dividend. All the successful developed nations made use of that period in their history to drag themselves to First World status. Singapore did in between late 1970s to late 1990s. We cannot squander this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This really is the only opportunity this nation has to propel itself to First World status in a single generation.Indonesia and Indonesians need to change, while I don't have an ability to contribute much to this goal yet, that will change. What you and your folks are doing is definitely noble, Indonesian society as it is now is bankrupt. You need only to take a look at our bureaucrats and our politicians to understand that. After all, our bureaucrats and our politicians don't come from another planet. And they certainly don't fall out of the sky. They come from within Indonesian homes, Indonesian schools and Indonesian universities. They come from Indonesian mosques and Indonesian churches. They come from within Indonesian society. They are a mirror of our society and the reflection certainly looks ugly. But they are the best we have and the best we can do right now, and they are not good enough for a First World country.That is why efforts to change this place from the grassroots level should always be appreciated. If Indonesian society can change for the better, so will our politics and our government. While other nations have turned their sights up towards the Heavens, many in this country is still stuck looking for Heaven in the next life when they should have realized that they can create one in this life, right where they're standing on, here on Earth. I certainly want to transform this country into the second Garden of Eden and I hope that is not something only I have in mind.Good luck to you and the foundation. Sorry for the long rants, just thought that it can help other readers as well. Thank you and I hope to start making donations to your foundation in the near future.
Eberthcito, w3l0lbgkyHeI Jumat, 02 Oktober 2015 01:10:54

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