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Bandung > Ayam Goreng/Bakar > warteg mba wiwi

heri bilang,
ada tempat namanya warteg mba wiwi,
di jalan.kiara condong 242a bandung,
yang jualan menu rakyat.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...murah,enak,bersih,...apalagi ayam bakarnya yg khas brebes....ehmm.cobain sendiri biar lebih afdol
Dikirim pada Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014 17:10:23 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

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Hi Wiwi,I'm sorry that I can't write in Chinese here. I just watched your video clips. I must say that you are a wfnedroul pianist with beautiful colours and tone. Playing with such conviction and precision is something that a lot of pianists would aspire to. If you ever come to the US to perform, I'd definitely come hear you play live. I'm really sorry to know that you are drafted to the military. What a waste of time and life to serve in the army when you can just start concertizing all over the world.Bravo on your playing and good luck in the military.Stephen
Nka, cVyGTWNIT Minggu, 20 Desember 2015 18:12:32

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