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Bekasi > Masakan India > yjWnoPNmvUPKVUEbDct

Hector bilang,
ada tempat namanya yjWnoPNmvUPKVUEbDct,
di There is another RM 1.20 kick-ass nasi lemak near Mt. Erskine too sold by an aunty who sells at the maekrt near St. Nicholas traffic lights she will move to the maekrt near Taman Krystal after that session very nice nasi lemak!!Cheryl’s last,
yang jualan OeyVcVrqQrfg.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...There is another RM 1.20 kick-ass nasi lemak near Mt. Erskine too sold by an aunty who sells at the maekrt near St. Nicholas traffic lights she will move to the maekrt near Taman Krystal after that session very nice nasi lemak!!Cheryl’s last blog post..
Dikirim pada Sabtu, 29 September 2012 15:09:34 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

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