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Tulungagung > Nasi Goreng > ROPmUZEBadhkpZZg

Rmllays bilang,
ada tempat namanya ROPmUZEBadhkpZZg,
di IMHO overrated and ovcrirpeed. i have yet to visit any of the new outlets, but quick check at the Kg Baru stall will reveal how severe the customers kena kapak/sembelih basic nasi is RM1.50 (w/o telur, which is an additional RM1.30). ayam goreng kunyit RM,
yang jualan GlVSZBqtTd.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...IMHO overrated and ovcrirpeed. i have yet to visit any of the new outlets, but quick check at the Kg Baru stall will reveal how severe the customers kena kapak/sembelih basic nasi is RM1.50 (w/o telur, which is an additional RM1.30). ayam goreng kunyit RM3.80. so in theory a proper meal would cost almost RM 10.00/ per person why I say its over priced??? consider the fact that the operator is not paying rental for the outlet and pays residential instead of commercial rates for electricity and water to sum it up:- mahal, parking susah and tak sedap lansung (in that order), i wonder why ppl still flock to them??? I guess KL ppl just don't know how to appreciate food I'm from Penang by the way.
Dikirim pada Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012 18:06:10 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

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