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Kebumen > Sop dan Soto > SOTO LAMPU KUNING/MR.DAVID

DAVID bilang,
ada tempat namanya SOTO LAMPU KUNING/MR.DAVID,
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, you want to try the specific risoto eh soto ding
from our best cuisine.
we cater the whole some "soto" that you never get in other places. it is combination secret spices from mbah poak
and colonel sanders, the one that hold licence of kentucky
fried chicken. If you pass lampu-kuning intersection, you
will find big billboard "soto mr.david"
you can also buy tofu filled vegetable("tahu brontak";indonesian term).here, you can also see kuda lumping
paradise from mbah paijo panjer.kuda lumping is such a dance performance who the dancers are in trance condition
(kesurupan;indonesian term) the dancers usualy eat a piece of glass and work on far from lampu-kuning
there is salervendor named nini gondang.she is one who sale
local food such as: gula ali(candy)from brown sugar add coconut; sayur ampas tahu(local-vegetable);there is also
tempe benguk the popular tropical bean fried.
further information contact:
Dikirim pada Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2001 01:10:48 nilai: 7,2/10,0
[beri nilai]

Tambahkan video untuk SOTO LAMPU KUNING/MR.DAVID:
Verifikasi Ketik ulang huruf-huruf yang tampak berikut

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Verifikasi Ketik ulang huruf-huruf yang tampak berikut

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Perubahan terakhir: 24/06/20
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