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Komentar kamu

Francisco bilang,
ada tempat namanya HjHvvfEvmbJashBdfy,
di Wow, the 24 hole muffin pan is so befatiuul..... If you are baking for a big batch, this muffin pan is just the right one instead of waiting for the next batch. Good for you to source baking utensils from overseas because other countries have unique kind,
yang jualan XahLTgzBPVtKzdYU.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...Wow, the 24 hole muffin pan is so befatiuul..... If you are baking for a big batch, this muffin pan is just the right one instead of waiting for the next batch. Good for you to source baking utensils from overseas because other countries have unique kind of pans, utensils etc.
Dikirim pada Senin, 25 Maret 2013 07:03:50 komentar yang lain ( 0 )
[komentar kamu]

Rasa : 7.5
Suasana : 7
Pelayanan : 7.25
Kebersihan : 7

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Perubahan terakhir: 24/06/20
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