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Komentar kamu

Phiko bilang,
ada tempat namanya Lau's Kopitiam,
di 1. Benton Junction #26 Tel: 546 8770
2. Gading Serpong Moscow Square A-7 Tel: 542 14 007
3. Emporium Pluit Mall lt. 4 Tel: 666 76621
4. Teraskota BSD City Ground Floor Tel: 3002 5858
5. Giant Building Bintaro Sektor 9 Tel: 745 1793
yang jualan Kopi Tiam dan berbagai makanan.
Katanya sih, ...Our vision is to introduce a “kopitiam” culture to Indonesians. we are hoping that this culture shall be remained and enjoyed by all of our consumers.

Lau’s Kopitiam’s aim is to offer a high quality foods and beverages at affordable prices while preserving the Hainanese Kopitiam culture. We are mixing both tradition and modern style to offer memorable experience without forgetting the old days. With

1. Benton Junction #26 Tel: 546 8770
2. Gading Serpong Moscow Square A-7 Tel: 542 14 007
3. Emporium Pluit Mall lt. 4 Tel: 666 76621
4. Teraskota BSD City Ground Floor Tel: 3002 5858
5. Giant Building Bintaro Sektor 9 Tel: 745 1793
6. Supermall Karawaci LG#102 Lippo Village (021) 547 1387
7. Mal Ciputra 5th floor
Dikirim pada Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010 23:10:01 komentar yang lain ( 0 )
[komentar kamu]

Rasa : 7.5
Suasana : 7
Pelayanan : 7.25
Kebersihan : 7

Berikan penilaian kamu untuk tempat jajan yang satu ini. 10 = sangat baik, 5=sedang, 1 = sangat buruk.
Perubahan terakhir: 24/06/20
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