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Komentar kamu

eKo bilang,
ada tempat namanya Wan Thai Restaurant,
di Wan Thai Restaurant, No 80-82, Langkawi Mall, Dundong, Kuah, Langkawi. Tel: 04 9671 214,
yang jualan Thai Food.
makanannya Halal.
Katanya sih, ...This restaurant recently had a face-lift and had new menus printed. I guess that’s why it smelt of fresh paint the day we were there for lunch. You definitely come here for the food. Like all Thai restaurants, you just want to dig into the food which is basically rice with dishes. The otak-otak (RM16) came in a coconut and tasted heavenly. Slices of fish and seafood in a spicy, lemak base can truly whet one’s appetite. The Pandan Chicken (RM16) tasted good too. But I found the Beef Curry (RM20) a little tasteless, like the chef forgot to add salt. Otherwise the curry was superb over rice. The Mixed Vegetable (RM12) was just so-so; no one fries vegetables like the Chinese - fresh, green and crunchy. The Mixed Vegetables we had were drowning in diluted oyster sauce. They serve Pulut Durian (RM7) too but I prefer my durian as it is, without santan and pulut though if you like the richness of durian and the saltiness of pulut and santan, this is a pure hedonist dessert.

Pokoknya Kalau loe pada k Langkawi Island must eat at this restaurant terutama menu yang namanya the pandan chicken and
Tom Yam

dan Yang paling penting waitressnya cantik2

Best Regards,

Dikirim pada Minggu, 09 Maret 2008 14:03:20 komentar yang lain ( 0 )
[komentar kamu]

Rasa : 7.5
Suasana : 7
Pelayanan : 7.25
Kebersihan : 7

Berikan penilaian kamu untuk tempat jajan yang satu ini. 10 = sangat baik, 5=sedang, 1 = sangat buruk.
Perubahan terakhir: 24/06/20
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